Matrimonial Mishaps and Musings

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Just Shoot Me!

Photography can take up a significant portion of your budget, costing anywhere from $1000 to upwards of $2500. When you are on a strict budget or working with very little, it can be difficult to find someone who will produce quality photographs for you at a price you can afford. For the bride in this situation, I recommend a "shoot and drop" photographer. This means the photographer will shoot digital takes of your wedding and reception and then give you a disc with all the takes on it. This gives you the freedom the develop the ones you want to, make multiple copies of your favorites and it's an easy way to distribute pictures to family. Simply upload the pictures to your computer and send them as attachments. You can also use an online photo service such as Shutterfly to upload your pictures to. Then give your friends and family your personalized Shutterfly wedding website and they can order prints and other items that they be interested in. You can often times find someone who uses this style for around $800. I used this type of photographer for my wedding and I loved it. I have every single picture that was taken, I did not have to choose 30-50 like some other photographers ask you to do.


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